April 2, 2010

The Photo Shoot and the Photographer

The Photo Shoot and the Photographer

One of the most used options when you start making a book is to appeal to novice photographers with which they may agree to non-paid contributions on both sides (photographer and model) gain experience and to enlarge their photo books. We talk about these collaborations in the following section.

In another case, the model will use the services of an experienced photographer for conducting a photo shoot. There are plenty of photographers with more or less experience they offer very different rates may well vary between 300 Euros and 3,000 Euros. It is necessary to consider not only the photographer who will participate in the production of the shoot, so you have to know also assess the ability of the staff to have professional makeup, hair, styling and more.

A simple photo shoot is one that takes place in study and for which there is no staging or props, and in which the actual costumes used in the model to the photographs. The professional makeup, especially for female models, it is almost always a crucial factor. A session of this type can last a whole 4 hours at least, and they should at least be able to make several costume changes for picture quite different from the same session.

From this simple configuration, you can consider other options that the photographer will provide the model if required:

* Style: A specialized professional conceive the appearance of the pictures as best as possible, and make available to model the clothes and accessories, in addition to assuming responsibility for creative team makeup and hair.

* Session outdoors: The making of a professional photo shoot on location is always more expensive because it involves more than production costs. Some photographers used in these cases special equipment for outdoor lighting in certain cases must be rented. Generally, the pictures outdoors require a higher professional level, but also offer a very different quality and better appreciated by many.

* Sessions for a full book: You hired a photographer to carry out a comprehensive book that includes several sessions over several days, which eventually may mix different types of photography, indoors and outdoors, and get the photographs for the preparation of a book sufficiently varied.

* Photo Retouching: The current digital retouching can hide defects in the model, or simply enhance the visual impact of a photograph to make it more appealing. Generally, it is not advisable to resort to excessive retouching, because it may confuse the client or the agency after an audition in person. The minor tweaks and those who are limited to improving the quality of color, composition or technique of photography itself are welcome.

* Delivery of the photographs: most photographers now deliver their work in digital format (often they do so even when using professional equipment analog). On the CD delivered, it should include high-resolution photographs to the model to obtain hard copies of very good quality for your book. The images delivered on CD by a professional photographer produce prints on photographic paper of excellent quality, the copies can be obtained by delivering the CD in any common digital development lab, or perhaps the same photographer also provided copies of the CD as well.

When deciding on a photographer, it is vital information on their experience and work performed. The best choices are those photographers who specialize in the fields of fashion and advertising with sufficient proven experience. Any good fashion photographer and advertising itself will have a book or website which will display their works, from books made in other models, to commercial photo shoots as advertisements, publication of photographs in magazines, fashion catalogs, and so on.


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