May 14, 2010

Fujifilm S200EXR, almost a DSLR

Fujifilm S200EXR, almost a DSLR

The Fujifilm Finepix S200EXR is one of those cameras that do not become a DSLR but offer more of what you can give a compact. It is a 12 megapixel camera with Super CCD EXR sensor and Fujinon increases 14.3 (30.5 to 436 mm equivalent).

It has a high contrast LCD screen of 2.7 inches, new intelligent flash EXR Priority mode, which automatically adjusts the camera settings. EXR also offers Auto mode that recognizes and selects one of six scene modes available. It allows to manually configuring the main settings of the camera.

The S200EXR also offers dual image stabilization to reduce blur and vibration, capture images in RAW and JPEG simultaneously and can record video at a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels and 30 fps. It will go on sale next month for $ 599.95.


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